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    1. Welcome to the official website of Stronkin Electronics Co.,LTD.


      You are here: Home  >>  News  >> View Details

      June 2016 held the second three to three basketball tournament of innovation Electronics Group Co.,

      • 發布時間:2016-07-01
      • 瀏 覽:2449次


        held the second three to three basketball match of Taizhou innovation Electronics Co., Ltd. in June 2016.

      Stronkin Electronics Co.,LTD.

      Address:No.189, Youyigang Road, Port Economic Zone, Gaogang District,Taizhou City,Jiangsu Province  

      Telephone:+86-523-86960091  Fax:+86-523-86964938

      Email: sales@stronkin.com  Postcode:225321

      Recruitment Hotline:+86-523-86900020 +86-523-86907911 Recruiting contacts:Mr JU & Miss Wang

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